Jamaica Blue Mountain - Shane Brown Legacy Estate (15kg Barrel)

Tangerine, lime, malty, spiced apple
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Bag Weight 15 KG BAG
Harvest Season 2023/24
Status Spot
Lot Number P8002164-2
  • 4 Bag(s)
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About This Coffee

Farm manager Shane Brown followed his dream to farm coffee in the hills of the cool Blue Mountain Range and comes from a long line of coffee growers dating as far back as the 1800s. He is highly regarded as a well-respected, hardworking and honest farmer who is able to provide employment opportunities for the members of his community. Shane was a Jamaica Agriculture Commodities Regulatory Authority (JACRA) Awardee in the large Farm category at the 2022 Jamaican Blue Mountain® Coffee Festival. As a farmer, Shane has been an outstanding contributor in the Jamaica Coffee Industry. 

Origin Jamaica
Subregion Penlyne, in the shadow of the Blue Mountain Peak
Harvest Season 2023/24
Producer Type Single Estate
Farm Name Penlyne Castle Legacy Estate
Processing Washed
Growing Altitude 1500m - 1800m
Plant Species Arabica
Variety Typica
Coffee Grade JAM CA WA BLM G1
Screen Size 17/18
Bag Weight 15 KG BAG
Bag Types Barrels

History of Coffee in Jamaica

If considered as a single coffee growing region, the ‘West Indies’ produced more coffee at the end of the 18th century than any other region in the world. All of the major powers of Europe had islands producing coffee. But the volumes of coffee being exported from the Caribbean were built on the false economy of slavery.

As slavery faded from the Caribbean, so did the European presence and coffee production dropped dramatically. The bright spot—if not exactly an exception—was Jamaica. By 1880, when growing coffee had been reduced to a rumour on most islands, coffee production was growing in Jamaica and Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee was being sold at premium prices that attracted the attention of coffee producers around the world.

In 1807 Jamaica produced 170,000 bags of coffee and peaked at 230,000 bags in 1814. Then, as with its island neighbors, production of Jamaican coffee dropped dramatically for decades. But unlike the other islands, Jamaica staged a coffee comeback. In 1864 the Jamaican coffee industry produced 31,000 bags. By 1880 production had increased to 75,000 bags.

  • Subregion Penlyne, in the shadow of the Blue Mountain Peak
  • Farm Name Penlyne Castle Legacy Estate
  • Producer Type Single Estate
  • Processing Washed
  • Bag Types Barrels
  • Plant Species Arabica
  • Variety Typica
  • Min Growing Altitude 1500m
  • Max Growing Altitude 1800m
  • Screen Size 17/18
  • On Sale No
  • Top Lot No
  • Price Per Kg €54.25
  • Status Spot
  • Coffee Grade JAM CA WA BLM G1
  • CTRM Contract Number P8002164-2
  • Origin Jamaica
  • Warehouse Vollers Hamburg